Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while.. usually I'd be blogging on tumblr but there is an error and I would really love to just let my mind flow right now.

I have been over thinking lately and I really wish my mind would just shut up because I have many other important things to worry about. Like school?!?! I have 3 midterms coming up and an essay to write.

I'm done studying for tonight because I just want to give my mind a break and so I've decided to somewhat vent. my whole body has been sore for most of my day it sucks! and not to mention I am sick.. where the hell is all this snot coming from!?!? YTHJFGVDXCXZ

sometimes I feel as thought I have to somewhat calm myself.. as in telling myself to take deep breaths. siiiiiiiigh

I see myself as a very reasonable person and I am going insane with all this over thinking! EFF THIS! -_-"